Minecraft! For those who don't know what minecraft is/don't have access to infdev, you'd better ignore this next tip. But if you have bought the game...
Infinite Water!
Lets say you have a massive water-based project going on, but you're not a fan of carting water all the way from the coast, like my thing below...
First we prepare an are big enough to hold a hollow 5x3 "box", like so:
We then fill in the box on either end, making sure not to fill in the middle, doing this will get you here, notice how all three buckets are now empty:
We then fill out buckets from the MIDDLE square, noticing how it fills itself up again after we do it: check out the three now full buckets:
That's it! Unlimited water in infdev Minecraft - tell your friends you found this here!
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Lord of the Rings?
Sup Guys, I made some terrain for an upcoming Lord of The Rings Strategy Battle Game campaign me and some friends have got going on, thought you'd appreciate a look; some of the glue isn't dried with the greenery and I need so sort out the carboard showing, but here they are:
Friday, 26 March 2010
Thursday, 11 March 2010
The Dead Poet is Complete!
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
If you go down to the woods today...
Well ladies and Gentlemen, here's what I hope to be something of a mini-series documenting the evolution of the rural village of Dreffennacht; a Warhammer terrain project.
Posts will come of the whole thing in its semi-painted glory when the glue on these fella's has dried (so hopefully tommorrow) so until next time, happy wargaming!
Posts will come of the whole thing in its semi-painted glory when the glue on these fella's has dried (so hopefully tommorrow) so until next time, happy wargaming!
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Why NOT to fear the Trygon
Okay, so unless you've been living under a rock quivering slightly you've heard all about the new Tyranid release and the more studious amongst us have seen the new rules about to be bashed against our gunlines and I definately know that many people are doing what they always seem to do with any new release, crying cheese and bemoaning the death of the game particuarly with the Trygon. Now I'm not saying that the Trygon isn't deadly (far from it) - with Strength 6 Toughness 6 and with 6 Wounds taking it down is no mean feat but I reckon it's not the game breaker that everyone anticipates and here's why:
- No Invulnerable save. a three plus armour save means (to be honest) little in today's field - with the abundance of AP 3 or higher weapons this beastie is almost guaranteed no respite from shooting if against a half-decent general
- Toughness 6. This is a major flaw for the Trygon, as the major threat it faces to the opponent obviously means that it will draw a lot of firepower and if you really need this thing dead - it's going to die. A well positioned devastator squad or equivalent unit should be able to tackle it in a few turns. Alternatively, the Eldar have a very good tactic - Fire dragons in that almost-a-necessity falcon. Drive up, park, shoot. Coupled with some supporting fire from other units this is a great way to dispose of the Trygon.
- Cost. 200 points? Ouch! for the same amount we can buy ourselves a nice little squad of Assault Terminators with thunder hammers and storm shields - the bane of any monstrous creature or for a little bit more the Leman Russ Vanquisher with Knight Commander Pask - the last word in long monstrous creature killing
- Preparedness. When you know you're fighting a Trygon (they're not hard to miss) you must be prepared for its arrival - make sure that wherever it logically turns up, it's going to be filled with High strength low AP shots.
- Tarpit. Strength 6 with 6 attacks? My ogryns with commissar laugh at you! With enough wounds to fend this beast off for at least two turns, we're given time to manoeuvre suitible rebuttal into position.
In conclusion the Tyranid release is just like any other, broken? No. Powerful? Yes, we must anticipate some level of power creep but it's not as bad as everyone seems to believe: like every force in the galaxy it has its weaknesses.
This is Robb, over and out.
Friday, 1 January 2010
The Robb Files Episode Two: Of Girth and Mirth!
Hello Gentleman, I present unto you another thrilling instalment of The Robb Files! I hope we all haven’t gorged ourselves over the Christmas season (though I can’t really say I haven’t), and in light of the awfully full feeling I always seem to have a few days after Christmas I’ve made rules for a certain obese Space Marine Character!
Brother-Captain Narcus 65pts
2 4 4 6 4 1 1 10 3+
Brother-Captain Narcus the Fat is an addition to any army willing to keep him fed.
Special Rules: Fearless, Slow and Purposeful, Feel no Pain, And they shall know no fear, Paunchy Power.
Paunchy Power!
Given his immense girth, Narcus has evolved some unusual traits. Every turn, roll a D6 and consult the chart below. Furthermore he takes up 3 spaces in a transport rather than one.
1 Bleurgh!
It would appear that last grox pie didn’t go down the right way: Narcus gains a template attack with a strength of 2 and an AP of - for that turn only.
2 Foul Breath.
So much eating and so little teeth cleaning has taken its toll: All units must take a Ld test at -1 to see if they can assault him this turn: even the followers of Nurgle have standards!
3 Don’t remember putting that there...
From his rolls of fat Narcus pulls out a terrified Imperial Guard Conscript armed with a lasgun, who becomes an Independent Character on Narcus’ side.
4 Rumble...
Fearing the worst, all units friend and foe alike within 6” of Narcus must take a leadership test or become pinned.
5 Emperors Bowels!
Narcus lets out a long and horrendous fart. From his rear arc place a flamer template: anything under it suffers a S4 attack with no armour saves allowed.
6 Gory Explosion!
Finally even the superhuman metabolism of the obese Space Marine fails. Place a large blast template over Narcus. All units under the template suffer a S5 attack with no saves of any kind allowed – no fancy wizardry or technology can protect you from the vile stench!
The fate of the Delta Templars 3rd Company is an unfortunate tale. Due to a critical Adeptus Ministorum error the valiant battle brothers under the command of Brother-Captain Narcus were sent to an agri-world deep in Segmentum Pacificus in response to a distress signal sent some 200 years prior to the formation of the Templars themselves. In the intervening millennia Imperial Guard units had responded and quashed the Chaos threat on Tubb IV and upon the arrival of 100 of the emperors finest to the peaceful world they were welcomed as heroes of the emperor by the Planetary Governor, rather than by Chaos insurgents as had been expected. A grand celebration was thrown in honour of these defenders of humanity, cumulating in a three day orgy of feasting and drinking; after a life of humility and abstinence this world of extravagance proved all too alluring for the Brother-Captain. After two weeks his armour began to crack; after a month the lump of flesh was nigh unrecognisable as one of the Emperors finest.
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